Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Volume 5

Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Management of Chronic Abdominal Pain of Nonspecific Origin Presenting at a Tertiary Care Hospital

1. Abstract 1.1. Aim: Chronic abdominal pain of unknown origin represents a significant challenge in surgical practice. Diagnostic laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows the visual examination of the intra-abdominal organs in order to detect pathology.

Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Management of Chronic Abdominal Pain of Nonspecific Origin Presenting at a Tertiary Care Hospital Read More »

The Role of Probiotics as Gastrointestinal Infections Treatment and Prophylaxis: A Review

1. Abstract Probiotics are products which contain microorganisms capable of supporting symbiotic relations with native microbiota of many environments. They are widely used and studied due to their capacity of improving biological systems’ overall health.   DOI:

The Role of Probiotics as Gastrointestinal Infections Treatment and Prophylaxis: A Review Read More »

The Clinical Value of Predicting Heart Failure Through Changes in the Relevant Indicators of Severe Preeclampsia (With 3 Cases Reported)

1. Abstract Severe preeclampsia is common, seriously threatening the health of mothers and children. It often damages to the heart, liver, kidney, brain and other important organs, causing maternal dysfunction. Among them, severe preeclampsia combined with heart failure is the main cause of the increase in maternal and perinatal mortality, and its treatment is a

The Clinical Value of Predicting Heart Failure Through Changes in the Relevant Indicators of Severe Preeclampsia (With 3 Cases Reported) Read More »

A Colonic Polyp: Unexpected First Symptom of Lung Cancer

Clinical Image: A 53-years-old men underwent colon endoscopy examination to regular follow up after polyp removal 5 years ago, during the examination we detected a polyp in the hepatic flexure of colon, about 6mm, IIa+depression, reddish (Figure A), the BLI(Blue Light Imaging) showed regular microstructure and microvessels, JENT classification was 2A (Figure B) and the

A Colonic Polyp: Unexpected First Symptom of Lung Cancer Read More »

Is Unbalanced Type 2 Diabetes A Contraindication to Surgical Decompression of Dentigerous Cysts? Up-To Date Review and Case Report

1. Abstract Dentigerous cysts are part of the odontogenic family of cysts and are related to a developmental anomaly of the dental organ. The treatments proposed for these cysts are of 2 types: enucleation or decompression. We report a case of management by decompression of a dentigerous cyst related to an impacted third molar in

Is Unbalanced Type 2 Diabetes A Contraindication to Surgical Decompression of Dentigerous Cysts? Up-To Date Review and Case Report Read More »

Multiple-Giant Pulmonary Bullae as Sequel of COVID 19 – Case Report

1. Abstract The apparition of giant pulmonary bullae is an uncommon sequel in people who have moderate/severe, their presence compromises not only lung function as a restrictive disease, but they also affect life quality of the patients. This is an uncommon sequel which develops after 30 days of the symptom onset, this is not considered

Multiple-Giant Pulmonary Bullae as Sequel of COVID 19 – Case Report Read More »

Endoscopic Eradication of Esophageal Varices Transiently Affects the Development and Severity of Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy

1. Abstract The impact of esophageal varices treatment on portal hypertensive gastropathy and its subsequent clinical course must be investigated. We evaluated whether esophageal varices eradication affects the onset and severity of portal hypertensive gastropathy. Twenty-one patients (seven women; average age, 65.2 ± 11.3 years) who underwent endoscopy >1 month before esophageal varices endoscopy and

Endoscopic Eradication of Esophageal Varices Transiently Affects the Development and Severity of Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy Read More »

Cutaneous Agrochemical Exposure Causing Arsenic Toxic Neuropathy

1. Abstract This young male, 33 years, from a rural background in north India, was working for a fertilizer firm, wherein they were assigned job of packaging of a new chemical fertilizer and were given protective wear for the same, which he mostly missed to use. He used to work in that project for over

Cutaneous Agrochemical Exposure Causing Arsenic Toxic Neuropathy Read More »

Image of the Month – Mucinus Adenocarcinoma of the Rectum in an Adolescent

1. Abstract A 15-year-old boy was admitted with a history of diarrhea, rectal bleeding and melena for the last week. His previous history was unremarkable although an unintentional weight loss of 15 kg was reported during the last months. On admission, the patient was pale, but hemodynamically stable. Ηis clinical examination was unremarkable with a

Image of the Month – Mucinus Adenocarcinoma of the Rectum in an Adolescent Read More »

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