Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Author Guidelines

Authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to the guidelines provided below prior to submitting their manuscript to the Journal of Clinical and Medical Images.

Peer Review

The Journal of Clinical and Medical Images implements a double-blinded peer review process, ensuring that both authors and reviewers remain unaware of each other’s identities. This practice maintains a high level of confidentiality throughout the review process.

Ethics of Publication

The Journal of Clinical and Medical Images adheres to the guidelines set forth by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), promoting ethical practices in publishing. Authors, reviewers, and editors are required to uphold publication ethics to ensure the integrity of the journal.


The Journal of Clinical and Medical Images strives to publish original work that is currently under review by other journals. Plagiarism, including the copying of content from other published articles, is strictly prohibited.

Absolute Author Contribution

It is crucial for authors to acknowledge and properly attribute the contributions of other authors who have participated in the scientific work mentioned in the manuscript.

Author’s Conflicts of Interest

All articles published in the Journal of Clinical and Medical Images are required to include a disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest. This encompasses both financial and non-financial interests, affiliations, as well as any personal, racial, or intellectual properties that may be relevant to the manuscript.

Original/Research Article

The article should have a word count ranging from 6000 to 7000 words, with the abstract limited to 150-250 words. For original articles, it is essential to adhere to the manuscript preparation guidelines. The manuscript should be organized in the following sequence:

  • Manuscript Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment
  • Conflict of interest “if any”
  • References

There is no specific word count limit for the submission of various manuscript types such as Clinical Images, Technical Papers, Review Articles, Commentaries, Conceptual Papers, Creative Reviews, Editorials, Case Reports, Historical Studies, Clinical Papers, Short Communications, Opinions, Case Series, Preliminary Reports, Method Articles, Mini Reviews, News, Brief Reports, Clinical Reports, Book Reviews, Patent Reviews, Image Articles, Poetry, Research Articles, Proceedings, Literature Reviews, Letters to the Editor, Protocol Articles, Research Notes, Online Reports, and Technical Notes.

While we have provided word count ranges in the guidelines for reference purposes, it is important to note that the word count may vary depending on the nature of the research being conducted by researchers worldwide.

For your reference, we have provided the following word count guidelines:


The article should be around 5000 words, with an abstract word limit of 150-250 words.

Case Report

The article should be around 2000-3000 words, with an abstract word limit of 150-250 words. Additionally, the case report should include a minimum of 15 references and a maximum of 30 references. Submitted case reports should present unique clinical observations made on one or more patients.


The manuscript should not exceed 1000 words and should include a minimum of 5 references and a maximum of 10 references.

Mini Review

The article should not exceed 3000 words, with an abstract word limit of 150-250 words. It should include a minimum of 15 references and a maximum of 25 references. Mini reviews provide a concise overview of a specific area, and the references cited should be from the past 5 years.

Letter to the Editor

The article should not exceed 1000 words and should include a minimum of 5 references and a maximum of 10 references. In a letter to the editor, authors can express their thoughts and raise concerns regarding recently published articles.

Clinical Images

Clinical images are limited to 3 images, accompanied by a maximum of 200-300 words for case or image description. Additionally, 3-5 references should be included.

Please note that these are general guidelines, and the specific requirements for each manuscript type may vary.

Manuscript preparation Guidelines for authors

Prior to manuscript submission, authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines:

Section Description
Title Page
Title: Manuscript title should not exceed 140 characters.
Authors: List full names of all authors with their affiliations.
Affiliations: Author affiliations should follow the format: Department, University/Institute, City, State, Country.
Corresponding Author: Provide full name, affiliation, telephone number, fax number, and email address.
Word Limit: Manuscript title should not exceed 140 characters.
keywords: List full names of all authors with their affiliations.
Text Sections: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgement (if any).
Results Provide detailed experiment information supporting the study's conclusion. Include tables and figures if necessary.
Discussion Separate section or combined with Results or Conclusion. Avoid repeating information from Results.
Acknowledgement Include funding sources and personal acknowledgements. List grant numbers and associated authors for funding sources.
Figures Preferred formats: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, PowerPoint. Include figures, titles, and descriptions.
Tables Include tables separately with titles and descriptions. Avoid duplicating information from the text.
Supplementary Files No limit on the number of supplementary material items. Name them as "S" followed by a number or letter (e.g., Figure S1, Table S1). Cite them in the text.
Include published and accepted articles in the reference list. Number references consecutively as cited in the text.
Journal References (Format) - Author A. Article title. Periodical Title. (Publication Year). Volume; (Issue): pp.-pp.
Book References: (Format) - Author A. (Year). Book title. Location: Publisher.
Website References: Provide full name, affiliation, telephone number, fax number, and email address.

Publication Fee

The Journal of Clinical and Medical Images is a globally accessible journal publisher that provides research publications worldwide. Our scholarly journals are available online to readers without any restrictions or charges for downloading and reading. We take pride in maintaining a high standard of quality for research articles through our dedicated and committed editorial members. Our editorial board comprises esteemed members from various fields, ensuring quick publication and adherence to international review standards.

As a self-reliant publisher, we are solely financed by our own management and do not receive funds from any institution or government. To support the open access model and cover publication costs, authors are required to pay a fair open access publication fee upon acceptance of their articles for publication.

Manuscript Withdrawal Charges

In case an author requests the withdrawal of their manuscript before the pre-review process begins, no withdrawal penalty will be charged.

However, if the author requests withdrawal after the manuscript has been submitted, assigned for pre-review, during the assembly stage, or after it has been published within the platform, a withdrawal penalty will be applicable and must be paid by the author(s).

Corresponding author(s) are required to submit a formal letter to the Inquest Editorial Office stating the withdrawal of the manuscript. The withdrawal process will be initiated only after the full withdrawal penalty has been paid.

The applicable withdrawal fees will be announced only in cases where withdrawal is requested.