Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Issue 5 Articles

Visual Deficit Studies in Dyslexia

1. Abstract 1.1. Introduction: The differences that have been identified in children with dyslexia in relation to children of normal development, in visual perception, are considered by some researchers to be very important. The low performance of children with dyslexia in visual tests has led some researchers to conclude that children with dyslexia have a […]

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Infectious Diarrhea, as a Valid Medical and Public Health Problematic

1. Abstract Acute diarrhea of infectious etiology, referred to gastroenteritis and is associated with clinical signs and symptoms including: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps, bloating, flatulence, fever, passage of bloody stools, tenesmus, and fecal urgency disorders.

Infectious Diarrhea, as a Valid Medical and Public Health Problematic Read More »

Primary Melanoma of the Uterine Cervix Figo Stage III C

1. Abstract Primary and metastatic malignant melanomas represent a rare diagnosis with a small number of described cases. The aggressive nature of the tumor, non -specific symptoms, difficult diagnosis, and no official protocol about the treatment result in poor disease prognosis. chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radiotherapy can be employed. A case of a patient with malignant

Primary Melanoma of the Uterine Cervix Figo Stage III C Read More »

Medical Application of Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coating-A Review

1. Abstract An artificial heart is a specific intervention that can be used to treat various heart diseases. Silicon oil is used as a pillar for the artificial heart. However, certain problems may arise as silicon oil ions diffuse with the blood through ion penetration. To solve this issue, it is recommended to use a

Medical Application of Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coating-A Review Read More »

One Year Experience of COVID-19 Disease on 700 Chronic Dialysis Patients from Ecuadorian Highlands

1. Abstract 1.1. Introduction: In December 2019, first Covid-19 disease cases were reported. The pandemic spread with 114.217.365 cases and 2.533014 deaths worldwide in March 2021, with 286.155 cases and 15.811 deaths in Ecuador. The aim of this work is to share COVID-19 disease impact on 700 chronic dialysis patients from Ecuadorian highlands, which represents

One Year Experience of COVID-19 Disease on 700 Chronic Dialysis Patients from Ecuadorian Highlands Read More »

Calcinosis Cutis in Juvenile Dermatomyositis

Clinical Image A 6-year-old female child was suffering from Juvenile dermatomyositis since 3 years. She presented to us with fever, hard lumps over the skin of both knees and elbows (Figure 1), heliotrope rash around both the eyes, gottron papules and severe myopathy. The x-ray showed extensive subcutaneous calcification in both legs (Figure 2). Histologically

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Sciatic Palsy with Thigh Hydatidosis

Clinical Image A patient of 62-year-old was referred to our center because of a painful posterior left thigh swelling associated with paresthesias of common fibular and tibial nerves areas. MRI had permitted to identify three contiguous cystic formations extended over the lower 2/3 of the thigh, with multi vesicular content and regular walls, they push

Sciatic Palsy with Thigh Hydatidosis Read More »

Single Injection of Combined Paravertebral and Erector Spinae Plane Block for Thoracoscopic Surgery

1. Abstract Thoracic Paravertebral Block (TPVB) and Erector Spinae Plane Block (ESPB) are widely used to administer analgesia in thoracic surgery. However, concerns regarding side effects such as hypotension, risk of puncture and unpredictable injectate-spread led to questions. We first performed a single-injection technique of combined TPVB and ESPB at the T5 vertebra, which provided

Single Injection of Combined Paravertebral and Erector Spinae Plane Block for Thoracoscopic Surgery Read More »

Relapsing Polychondritis Case: An Important Diagnosis Not to Be Delayed

1. Abstract Relapsing Polychondritis (RP) is a rare disease characterized by inflammation of cartilage and connective tissues with destructive episodes. Although the pathogenesis is not completely known, there is an autoimmunity in which antibodies against mainly type II collagen play a role.

Relapsing Polychondritis Case: An Important Diagnosis Not to Be Delayed Read More »

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