Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Issue 5 Articles

Radiographic Anatomy of the Canine Thorax

1. Abstract The dog is one of the most common pets in Africa in general and in Senegal in particular. The thorax is an anatomical region that is often the site of several pathologies such as chronic bronchitis, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, false swallowing, diffuse bronchial carcinoma, metastases, pneumonia and granulomatous diseases. Having the radiographic anatomy […]

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Estimation of the Effective Dose in the Radiology Room: Case of Standard Chest and Abdomen Radiographs Without Preparation of the Dog

1. Abstract The objective of this study is to determine the effective doses from the doses at the entrance surface corresponding to the radiological practice in the radiology room of the EISMV. To do this, we worked on data collected with the MICADO software of the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire.

Estimation of the Effective Dose in the Radiology Room: Case of Standard Chest and Abdomen Radiographs Without Preparation of the Dog Read More »

Airway Obstruction by a Mucous Plug in a Ventilated Child A Case Review

1. Abstract Mucus plugs can partially or completely obstruct one or more airways and cause serious consequences, including atelectasis. Invasive ventilation increases the risk for mucus plug formation, since mucociliary clearance is impaired in the presence of the endotracheal tube and because relatively dry gases cause mucosa to produce more mucus. Moreover, ineffective coughing resulting

Airway Obstruction by a Mucous Plug in a Ventilated Child A Case Review Read More »

Metastases of the Cranial Vault with Giant Subcutaneous Masses of Breast Cancer

1. Clinical Image Bone is the second most common site metastasis in breast cancer after lungs, usually occurs in the advanced stages of the disease. Breast cancer metastases to the neurocranium may involve the bone, the dura, or the brain parenchyma. However, metastatic of cranial vault concomitant with subcutaneous mass lesions are exceptionally rare with

Metastases of the Cranial Vault with Giant Subcutaneous Masses of Breast Cancer Read More »

Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids) Induced Reversible Infertility – Review Article

1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) used have been highly recognized in the worldwide due to their analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the use of NSAIDs in women at a reproductive age has the potential harmful effect on ovulation process.

Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids) Induced Reversible Infertility – Review Article Read More »

Late Bacterial Endocarditis Due to Haemophilus After Implantation of an Amplatzer Septal Occluder

1. Abstract The treatment of choice in congenital structural cardiopathy, including atrial septal defects, is mostly carried out using a percutaneous approach. The main complications of this approach involve the puncture. Other complications include device migration, shunts, or endocarditis and they are extremely rare. Inhere we present a case of a patient with late Amplatzer-related

Late Bacterial Endocarditis Due to Haemophilus After Implantation of an Amplatzer Septal Occluder Read More »

Confirmatory Dimensions of the Attitude Toward Occupational Health

1. Abstract In the context of health policies, the psychological processes of identity and stigma are a team that tries to explain assessment processes lifestyles related to vulnerable groups. Indeed, the aim of this study is to establish the validity and reliability of an instrument that measured four dimensions on a scale of attitudes. A

Confirmatory Dimensions of the Attitude Toward Occupational Health Read More »

This is the Easy Repair of Femoral Hernia

1. Abstract 1.1. Introduction: Various techniques have been developed for the repair of femoral hernia. The technique with the Lichtenstein Plug since 1989 has allowed to obtain a lower rate of complications and recurrences. The aim of this work is to review the experience of our basic group of work in the surgical treatment of

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Executive Functions and Operating Communication in Aphasia

Executive function among people with aphasia has also been linked to their level of functional communication, affecting the macro level of speech organization rather than the level of word/ phrase structure [1,2]. A similar relationship between executive functions and speech skills has also been shown for people with traumatic brain injury in whom storytelling skills

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