Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Volume 2

Comparison of Insulin Protocols in Critically ill Patients

This study aimed to determine the best protocol in the treatment of stress-related hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. 1.2. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 patients under mechanical ventilation were included in the study. We investigated the effect of intensive insulin treatment on mortality and morbidity by performing three different insulin protocols and close glycemic […]

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Poland Syndrome-A Typical Presentation

Poland’ssyndrome is a rare congenital disorder with unilateral aplasia of the pectoralis major muscle (PMM) associated with other anomalies like ipsilateral synbrachydactyly. We present a female baby with Left side congenital absence of pectoralis major muscle with normal hands at birth which can be a milder form of Poland’ssyndrome i

Poland Syndrome-A Typical Presentation Read More »

Clinical Pharmacists in Chronic Care

Pharmacy practice has changed significantly lately. The professionals have the chance to contribute straightforwardly to patient consideration so as to lessen morbimortality identified with medica-tion use, promoting wellbeing and preventing diseases. Healthcare organizations worldwide are under substantial pressure from increasing patient demand. Unfortunately, a cure is not always possible particularly in this era of chronic

Clinical Pharmacists in Chronic Care Read More »

Importance of L-Glutamate in the Stress of Animals

L-glutamic acid (Glu-glutamate) is one of the major and strongest stimulatory neurotransmitters (along with aspartic acid, chinolic acid and glicyne) at the majority of excitatory synapses in the Central Nervous System (CNS), Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and peripheral tissues and organs of mammals and well as non-mammals. It mediates in the stress response through stimulation

Importance of L-Glutamate in the Stress of Animals Read More »

Laryngeal Chondrosarcoma: A Rare Entity

Cartilaginous tumours of the larynx are rare. Chondrosarcoma represents 0.2% of all malignant tumours of this organ. Low-grade chondrosarcoma is the most commonly observed[1]. It is typically located on the endolaryngeal surface of the posterior lamina of the cricoid cartilage and has slow growth rate[2]. The clinical presentation depends on the size and location of

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Contribution of Ceramic Restorations to Create an Optimal Interproximal Area

Amalgam has been a longtime, a very common procedure to restore decayed teeth. However the demand for esthetic look of natural teeth pushes our patients to seek replacement of these restorations. In the present paper, we report the case of a 28-year-old patient who was complaining about continuous food impaction between teeth number 46 and

Contribution of Ceramic Restorations to Create an Optimal Interproximal Area Read More »

Biostatistical Analysis in Early Phase of Sepsis

Experiments on random-bred albino mice showed that application of ?2ARs agonist (hexaprenaline sulfate, 1,5?g/kg, a single dose) and ?7nAChRs agonist (GTS-21, 15 mg/kg, a single dose) cause a significant decrease in themortality of mice from experimentalsepsis(i.p., E. coli O157:H7) when it is modeling 2 h after using these drugsdue toa decrease of the concentration of

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Intracerebral Mass and Medullary Compression Syndrome as Manifestation of HIV/AIDS

A 44-year-old woman was admitted to hospital with a history of fever, low back pain, paraesthesia and paresis with evolution to paraplegia, loss of esficter control. At the examination: Oriented in time and space, isocoric pupils, paraplegia level T12, hypoesthesia level T10, anesthesia level T12, positive Babinski. Positive HIV test. Magnetic resonance column (Figure 1):

Intracerebral Mass and Medullary Compression Syndrome as Manifestation of HIV/AIDS Read More »

Asymptomatic Oesophageal Achalasia: A Case of Mega Oesophagus

A 41-year-old man, previously healthy, presented to his primary medical doctor complaining of cold symptoms lasting for a week. After performed an x-ray, it suggested a large mediastinum. To clarify this finding, he was subjected to a thoracic computed tomography (CT), revealing an extensive oesophageal dilatation (transverse diameter of 10 cm – Figure 1). This

Asymptomatic Oesophageal Achalasia: A Case of Mega Oesophagus Read More »