Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Issue 4 Articles

Atypical Lymphocytes – Masquerade

We report a case of a 23 year old female with history of fever and malaise since 3 days. We received her blood sample for complete blood count along with peripheral blood smear examination. The blood test showed leukocytosis 23,500 cells/uL, Hemoglobin- 12.2 gm/dl and Platelet count 1, 58,000/Ul. The peripheral blood examination showed marked

Atypical Lymphocytes – Masquerade Read More »

Successful Ercp for Hydatic Angiocholitis with Kystobiliary Fistula

A 32 years old woman lastly operated for hepatic hydatic cyst and cholecystectomy, presented for jaundice, fever and right hypochondrium pain. Abdominal examination was showed tenderness of the right hypochondrium. Biological tests showed cholestasis with total bilirubin 123 and conjugated at 80 with elevated CRP (205) and cytolisis. Prothrombin time was normal. Abdominal ultrasound (Figure

Successful Ercp for Hydatic Angiocholitis with Kystobiliary Fistula Read More »

An Unusual Course of Necrotizing Pneumonia Leading To Pneumonectomy in a Child

A 13-year-old boy with a history of complicated pneumonia at the age of 20 months (Figure 1-A) managed with antibiotics and chest drainage presented with hemoptysis. Chest radiography showed multiple small, thin-walled cavities (Figure1-B). Chest scan showed massive necrosis of the left lung (C and D). Lung perfusion scan showed differential perfusion of left: right

An Unusual Course of Necrotizing Pneumonia Leading To Pneumonectomy in a Child Read More »

Kaposi-Juliusberg Syndrome Due to Zoster-Varicella Virus (VZV) Type Varicella in an Atopic Infant

11-month-old male infant with a history of atopic dermatitis since the age of 3 months with poor compliance, an antecedent of varicella in the sister a week ago. Admitted to pediatric emergency departments for management of a generalized febrile rash with abrupt onset that started two days earlier. The dermatological examination had objectified a diffuse

Kaposi-Juliusberg Syndrome Due to Zoster-Varicella Virus (VZV) Type Varicella in an Atopic Infant Read More »

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