Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Volume 4

Evaluating the Role of Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Breast Tumour Response to Chemotherapy

Background. Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently the most accurate indicator of the response to pre-operative chemotherapy but is seldom used because of its cost. Contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT) is often done for re-staging prior to surgery and we hypothesis that enhancement, or the lack of it, can indicate tumor viability. Aims. We […]

Evaluating the Role of Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Breast Tumour Response to Chemotherapy Read More »

Rare Presentation of Unilateral Chorio-Retinal Coloboma in a Patient with Bilateral Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa and choroidal coloboma are known to usually exist as two separate entities. The fundus photo shows features of Retinitis pigmentosa, with an isolated coloboma inferior to disc, in a 30 years old lady, who, presented with decreased peripheral vision and nyctalopia. On evaluation she was found to have 6/6 vision bilaterally. Anterior segment

Rare Presentation of Unilateral Chorio-Retinal Coloboma in a Patient with Bilateral Retinitis Pigmentosa Read More »

Late Presentation of Advanced Breast Cancer

A 68-year-old recently widowed woman with a negative past medical history, was brought to the clinic reluctantly by her daughter for a medical check-up. The patient comes from a middle-class socioeco- nomic status, has a high school degree, and has worked as a practical nurse for many years up until her retirement. She had consistently

Late Presentation of Advanced Breast Cancer Read More »

Long-Term Positional Headaches Due to Cervical Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Acupuncture Treatment – A Case-Report

Acupuncture is a frequent alternative treatment for both acute and chronic pain and its usage has spread widely during the last decades. This technique is however not free of adverse effects, mainly due to mi- grating material or excessive depth of needling, and some might durably impair ’ quality of life. In this article, we

Long-Term Positional Headaches Due to Cervical Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Acupuncture Treatment – A Case-Report Read More »

Supraglottic Paraganglioma in Type IV Paraganglioma Syndrome Treated with CO2 Laser: A Minimally Invasive Approach

Paragangliomas are benign tumors derived from extra-adrenal paraganglia. They are rarely asymptomatic and may involve the head and neck region in 3% of cases. Asymptomatic supraglottic paraganglioma associated with paraganglioma syndrome is described in this case report. A 35-year-old woman affected by papillary thyroid cancer, was referred to our Unit for preoperative evaluation for total

Supraglottic Paraganglioma in Type IV Paraganglioma Syndrome Treated with CO2 Laser: A Minimally Invasive Approach Read More »

Septic Pulmonary Emboli Caused by Nocardia in an Immunocompetent Patient

A 70-year-old male had cough for one month, followed by acute respiratory failure. He is a non-smok- er, previously healthy, has no history associated with immunodeficiencies. Two months ago, his right ankle was wounded when he worked on the farm with bare feet. His lower calf became swelled, painful, and erythematous. Treatment with 2-weeks of

Septic Pulmonary Emboli Caused by Nocardia in an Immunocompetent Patient Read More »

Ampullary Tumor Presented with Liver Abscess – A Case Report

A 75-year-old Thai male presented with two weeks history of fever, chill, anorexia and persistent dull-aching epigastrium pain. His medical history was noted for history of necrotizing pancreatitis with gallstone with successful laparoscopic cholecystostomy. Physical examination was notable for positive fist test and body temperature of 39 degrees Celsius. Initial laboratory investigations showed leukocy- tosis

Ampullary Tumor Presented with Liver Abscess – A Case Report Read More »

Uterine Fibroid Embolization in time of Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has caused major changes in society around the world, especially in healthcare systems. Patients with various medical ailments and conditions who were scheduled to undergo elective treatments before the pandemic arrived, wonder now if they still should follow through with it. First and foremost, if a procedure can be delayed without resulting

Uterine Fibroid Embolization in time of Covid-19 Read More »

Inverted ILM Flap Technique Combined with Prophylactic Chorioretinectomy For Retinal and Choroidal Injury by A Macular Foreign Body

1.1. Aim: In the majority of patients with an intraocular foreign body located in the macula, the prog- nosis is poor already upon the traumatic event. None of the hitherto used treatments have yielded sat- isfactory results.

Inverted ILM Flap Technique Combined with Prophylactic Chorioretinectomy For Retinal and Choroidal Injury by A Macular Foreign Body Read More »

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