Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Author name: Clinical and Medical Images

Rhabdoid Meningioma with Infiltration of Igg4-Positive Plasma Cells and Eosinophils after Stereotactic Radiotherapy: A Case Report and Review of Literature

1. Abstract Meningiomas are a large group of predominantly benign, slow-growing tumors that develop in the meninges, and they are one of the most common types of intracranial tumors. However, meningiomas with plasmacytic or eosinophilic infiltration are extremely rare, with only isolated cases being reported.

Rhabdoid Meningioma with Infiltration of Igg4-Positive Plasma Cells and Eosinophils after Stereotactic Radiotherapy: A Case Report and Review of Literature Read More »

The Management of Excessive Pleural Fluid in the Pleural Cavity in a Poor Hospital Setting

1. Abstract Patients with spontaneous hemothorax or pleural effusion in the absence of trauma or disease- related causes are commonly encountered in poor hospital settings without a cardiothoracic surgeon or underwater seal draining connecting system. In these case reports, a 56-year-old and 25 years patient who presented with dyspnea was diagnosed with spontaneous hemothorax and

The Management of Excessive Pleural Fluid in the Pleural Cavity in a Poor Hospital Setting Read More »

A Mirror-Image Artifact Mimicking Heterotopic Pregnancy Observed at Two Different Time-Points: A Case Report

1. Abstract We report a case of a 25-year-old woman showing two gestational sacs at obstetric ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation. Thus, diagnosis of heterotopic pregnancy or a double uterus with a twin pregnancy was suspected.

A Mirror-Image Artifact Mimicking Heterotopic Pregnancy Observed at Two Different Time-Points: A Case Report Read More »

Book Review ‘Health Research Methods’ (Indonesian Version)

1. Introduction Written by Dr. H. Miftahul Munir, Dwi Kurnia PS, Suhartono, S.Kep., Nurus Safaah, SSt. and Aris Puji Utami, SST, this book is intended as reference material for students, health workers and health researchers. This book is written concisely but can fulfills the reader’s need to understand the study process.

Book Review ‘Health Research Methods’ (Indonesian Version) Read More »

Chariot of the Gods? No, Simply Fermionic Condensates of Relativistic Neutrons Explaining the Cambrian Explosion

1. Abstract The formation of life is a complex process for which few theories have allowed to describe precisely the mechanics. Relativistic neutrons offer a pattern that allows to explain the popular theories related to “ancient astronauts” without the need for extravagant hypotheses. A precise pattern is proposed for the evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates.

Chariot of the Gods? No, Simply Fermionic Condensates of Relativistic Neutrons Explaining the Cambrian Explosion Read More »

Fat Embolism with no Specific Clinical Presentation: Multimodal MRI is the Solution

1. Abstract Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a rare syndrom which leads to systemic inflammatory cascade affecting multiple organ systems, with high morbidity and mortality rate. It is caused by embolization of fat particles into multiple organs including the brain. No symptom or investigation is completely specific and cerebral multimodal MRI may be the solution.

Fat Embolism with no Specific Clinical Presentation: Multimodal MRI is the Solution Read More »

Effects of Hyper Methionine (HM) Feeding on Biochemical Indicators in Streptozoto- cin (STZ) Induced Diabetes Rats

1. Abstract Elevated Hcy levels are associated with diabetes mellitus and its complications, though a high methionine (HM) diet can lead to hy- perhomocysteinemia (HHcy), few have investigated the impact of the HM diet other than HHcy.

Effects of Hyper Methionine (HM) Feeding on Biochemical Indicators in Streptozoto- cin (STZ) Induced Diabetes Rats Read More »

Sudden Fetal Deterioration in Severe Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy is a reversible cholestasis typically beginning in the second or third trimester and associated with increased rates of stillbirth, preterm birth, fetal asphyxia, and neonatal care unit admission. The etiology of adverse outcomes in gestational cholestasis seems related to maternal bile acids levels, but recommendations for management,

Sudden Fetal Deterioration in Severe Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy Read More »