Journal of Clinical and Medical Images (ISSN 2640-9615)

Author name: Clinical and Medical Images

Imaging of Diffuse B Cell Large Lymphoma in Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas and Myocardium in a Case Report

1. Introduction and Discussion Critical high morbidity (hospital based) ASA 3 and 4 out and inpatient EGD caries a 3x risk of Anesthesia morbidity and mortality in some studies. Clearly, it is a high risk setting in hospital GI labs with general non-use of secure airway devices for brief (MAC/GA) cases.

Imaging of Diffuse B Cell Large Lymphoma in Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas and Myocardium in a Case Report Read More »

Hypopharyngeal Oxygenation for High Acuity EGDs (Herby Method)

1. Introduction and Discussion Critical high morbidity (hospital based) ASA 3 and 4 out and inpatient EGD caries a 3x risk of Anesthesia morbidity and mortality in some studies. Clearly, it is a high risk setting in hospital GI labs with general non-use of secure airway devices for brief (MAC/GA) cases.

Hypopharyngeal Oxygenation for High Acuity EGDs (Herby Method) Read More »

Sacroiliac İnvolvement of Hydatid Cyst

1. Clinical Images Contrast-enhanced axial computed tomography (Figure 1A), axial proton density (Figure 1B), coronal proton density (Figure 1C) and sagittal proton density (Figure 1D) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of a 17-year-old female patient complaining of pain in the pelvis and left hip are presented. A cystic mass (dashed arrows) compressing the S1-S2 nerve roots

Sacroiliac İnvolvement of Hydatid Cyst Read More »

Implantation of Leadless Pacemaker in a Patient with Chronic Type A Aortic Dissection: A Case Report

1. Abstract 1.1. Background: When implanted into a structurally normal heart, leadless pacemakers are more effective and safer than traditional pacemakers. There has been limited experience with leadless pacemakers in cases of severe right heart deformity.

Implantation of Leadless Pacemaker in a Patient with Chronic Type A Aortic Dissection: A Case Report Read More »

Digital Workflow for New Extra-Short and Short Implants in Atrophic Posterior Mandible Rehabilitation. A Case Report with One-Year of Follow-Up

1. Abstract The design of short and extra-short dental implants has evolved to increase their survival rates and reduce levels of bone loss. This case report describes successful rehabilitations of atrophic posterior mandibles using digital workflow for new extra-short and short implants, with one year of follow-up.

Digital Workflow for New Extra-Short and Short Implants in Atrophic Posterior Mandible Rehabilitation. A Case Report with One-Year of Follow-Up Read More »

Graphene Impurity in Biotechnological Products: Particle Size, Hydrophilic Properties and Technological Implications: HYPOTHESIS OF WORK

1. Abstract Based on the fact that if present graphene in vials of nanolipids of biopharmaceutical the aspects must to be coloured the reported findings by some independet researcher of graphene like particle in viasl of m Rna covid-19 vaccine seem to suggest that this impurity can be present only inside the nanolipids.

Graphene Impurity in Biotechnological Products: Particle Size, Hydrophilic Properties and Technological Implications: HYPOTHESIS OF WORK Read More »